Rosanne Hertzberger studies metabolism of vaginal microbes, with the ultimate aim to develop pre- pro- and antibiotics for women’s health. Rosanne enjoys hospitality at the SysBio lab at the VU University Amsterdam and is part of the Host Microbe Interactions group of Prof. dr. Remco Kort. The project has a complete open character, following the principles of Open Kitchen Science.
On this website you will find:
- Introduction on vaginal bacteria and the human vaginal environment.
- A log of ongoing experiments.
- An overview of used protocols.
- Any new experiences, thoughts and ideas on Open Kitchen Science (Dutch and English).
Please contact me if you have any questions about the science at REBLAB on Twitter or Facebook or email rosanne dot hertzberger at gmail dot com
Link to my ORCID-profile: : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6119-9450
The picture in the header of this website are Lactobacillus johnsonii NCC 533 colonies grown anaerobically on MRS agar.